Yokai Star system is a Special Defensive Zone (SDZ) on the Alliance's Border with the Syndicate.
The people in the nearby system of Batara nicknamed this system "The Mouth of Hell"
Before the war Yokai was a normal inhabited star system, and was the main route of the Alliance's trade with the nearby Hansa Group before they were conquered by the Syndicate three years before the Alliance-Syndicate war.
During the War[]
During the war Yokai would come under frequent attacks from the Syndicate which led to the civilian population being evacuated to a nearby system and Yokai's military presence being increased.
After the War[]
After the war the facilities in the Yokai system were mothballed and the system was abandoned. Months after abandoning the system, the Alliance was plagued by refugees from Batara through to Adriana, following Admiral Geary's task force returning the refugees, a small force of Aerospace officers reactivated one of the mothballed facilities under Colonel Galland's command to prevent more problems in former syndicate space from spilling over into the Alliance.