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The Universal Workers were a rebel faction born on the planet Taroa.


After the end of the Alliance-Syndicate War, the internal tensions of the Syndicate Worlds, oppression of Internal Security Service agents and economic crisis after so much expenses made the Syndicate fall into civil war. Taroa was one of the worlds were one began.


Taroa was special, in most old Syndicate's planets, there were two factions: The Syndic Loyalists, and a group of organized rebels. But in Taroa was a third one: the Universal Workers. Only some of the Syndic soldiers which defected joined the Workers: most of these joined to the main rebel group, called the Free Taroans. The Universal Workers are described as a revolutionary anarchist group.

The Workers, as the Free Taroans, managed to take several valleys of the planet. All sides organized defenses in the crest of the valleys, adopting the Free Taroans a mainly defensive strategy. The Workers managed to kill the Syndic leader, CEO Rahmin, with a suicide team which infiltrated the Syndic's provisional capital, opening a way with explosives until reaching their command post, but that victory didn't changed nothing: the Snake CEO Ukula took his place. Sometime later, the Workers launched human waves against the Taroans valleys, being slaughtered until they didn't have enough cannon fodder.

The continuous slaughter severely weakened severely the Workers, but even more their internal purges: some Worker leaders, described as "real crazyies", accused their rivals of treason, arrested and executed them or make them disappear. Soon, the Workers had killed more of their own than died in combat. The Free Taroans were offered by the Syndics to join forces against the Workers, but they refused. Then began a stalemate, which the Free Taroans and Worker's final victory more far away... until a new player joined the fight.

Midway Intervention[]

An important warship and ground forces unit arrived to Taroa to assist the Free Taroans, lead by one of two independent Midway's leaders, General and former CEO, Artur Drakon. The Free Taroans distrust them, suspecting their intentions, but accepted their help, as they needed it. During the Battle of Taroa, both groups attacked and destroyed the Syndic Loyalists in barely a day. The weakened Workers didn't appear to realize when it happened until it was too late, and did not intervene.


After the Syndic's loyalists defeat, the Free Taroans turned all their forces, reinforced by the Syndic units who had changed of sides, against the Workers. Their leaders, far from surrender or negotiate, simply launched threats and made a suicide bombing, but that, far from dissuade their enemies, it only enraged them more. Against such overwhelming force, the hated Workers didn't have a chance. Midway's forces stayed away of the fight: they weren't needed there, and more than a battle, it was a slaughter. The Free Taroans destroyed everything than remembered the Workers. General Drakon rejected a Free Taroan's offer to let some of his troops to stay temporally on the planet, as he suspected the Taroans wanted their men to keep the peace on the old Workers territory. After the victory, the Free Taroans became the government of Taroa.

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