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CEO Sara Okimoto Gardonyi was a Mobile forces CEO.


Journey to Dancer Space[]

Sara Gardonyi was a Syndic CEO which, several years after the end of the Alliance-Syndicate War, was put at command of a powerful mobile forces flotilla and sent to the Dancer space, to negotiate exclusive deals with them. The force was able to avoid Enigma space thanks to the new development of extending the range of Jump Drives. However, these upgrades were a poisoned present covertly delivered from the Enigmas themselves, a Trojan horse which caused devastating effects with humans enduring longer periods of Jump Space.

After making a jump a month long, Gardonyi's flotilla made it to Dancer space and were escorted by the Dancers through their Hypernet to the same system where the Alliance First Fleet and the Boundless were stationed.

Insane Battle against the Alliance First Fleet[]

By this point the secondary effects of the unusually long travel were beginning to appear. Sara and all her flotilla's executives and workers were becoming crazy, unreasonable, and specially aggressive. She demanded the Alliance's fleet to depart, claiming exclusivity when dealing when the Dancers.

Soon, the behaviour of the Syndic crew became violent, with murders, executions, and worse. Sara herself ordered the destruction of one of her own mobile units for being unable to regain formation. She blamed Geary for that, and despite the fact than his fleet was several times bigger than hers, attacked him. Taunted by the admiral, she attempted to kill him, targeting Geary's flagship, but only succeeded in driving her fleet to a trap where it was annihilated.

There were no survivors from Gardonyis flagship so she certainly aboard perished on it.


Gardonyi, when suffering from Severe Jump Space Syndrome, was described as having something wrong with her eyes too bright and open, anda face drawn tight.

Notes and references[]
