- Abassas
- Adalberto Horgens
- Adam Ochs
- Adam Pelleas
- Adowa
- Adriana
- Adroit
- Akiri
- Alarik Harbin
- Alfar
- Alihi
- Alliance
- Alliance-Syndicate War
- Alliance Civil War
- Alliance First Fleet
- Alliance Fleet
- Alliance Navy
- Alliance military
- Alpha
- Amaterasu
- Amazon
- Anahalt
- Anahuac
- Angela Meloch
- Anne Spruance
- Anti-Dancer Movement
- Anti-Geary Conspiracy
- Apulu
- Araya
- Armus
- Arnold Julian
- Arrogant
- Article 16 Incident
- Artur Drakon
- Arwen Duellos
- Asahi
- Ascendant
- Ascendant (Battle cruiser)
- Asima Marphissa
- Assault transport
- Astrida
- Atalia
- Ato Elias
- Attempt to Force open the Blockade
- Attempt to Steal the Battleship
- Audacious
- Audacious (Boundless)
- Augeas
- Augusta
- Auspicious
- Austin
- Auxiliary
- Avenger
- BB-57E
- BC-77D
- Baader
- Badaya
- Bailey
- Baldur
- Balestra
- Banoy Genji
- Bard Hubbard
- Basilisk
- Batara
- Batra
- Battle cruiser
- Battle of Atalia
- Battle of Augusta
- Battle of Baldur
- Battle of Batara
- Battle of Bhavan
- Battle of Cavalos
- Battle of Corvus
- Battle of Daiquon
- Battle of Grendel
- Battle of Heradao
- Battle of Ilion
- Battle of Iwa
- Battle of Ixion
- Battle of Jatayu
- Battle of Kairos
- Battle of Kaliban
- Battle of Kosatka
- Battle of Pele
- Battle of Prime
- Battle of Ravana
- Battle of Sancere
- Battle of Simur
- Battle of Sobek
- Battle of Sutrah
- Battle of Taon Border System
- Battle of Taroa
- Battle of Ulindi
- Battle of Unity Alternate
- Battle of Varandal
- Battle of Vidha
- Battle with Syndicate Flotilla
- Battleship
- Baxter
- Benten
- Bezrukof
- Bhasa Yuon
- Bhavan
- Bloch
- Bob Parr
- Bolo (Resolute)
- Boundless
- Boundless (ship)
- Brahma
- Bran Ezeigwe
- Bran Malin
- Branwyn
- Brazos
- Brian Smith (Pirate Freighter)
- Brigit Kelly
- Brilliant
- Bruce Monroe
- Busik
- C-195
- C-625
- C-712
- C-835
- C-875
- C-990
- CL-187
- Cadez
- Caladbolg
- Caligo
- Callas Republic
- Callas Republic Navy
- Capturing the Cutter
- Cara Decala
- Carabali
- Carine Jolovetz
- Carmen Ochoa
- Casell Riva
- Casia
- Casia (Beyond the Frontier)
- Cassie Gamba
- Catalan
- Cavalos
- Celia Gozen
- Celu
- Charban
- Charlie Forez
- Chelak
- Chief Executive Officer
- Chinook
- Chintan Diaz
- Chisholm
- Christopher George
- Citadel (Implacable)
- Claymore
- Clovis
- Colossus
- Conference Room
- Conner Gaiene
- Conqueror
- Constantine Rogov
- Corbin Torres
- Corsair
- Corsair (Ship)
- Corvette
- Corvus
- Costa
- Courageous
- Courier ship
- Covenant of the First Stars
- Cunha
- Cutter
- Cydoni
- D-11
- D-Class battle cruiser
- Daiquon
- Dana Fuentes
- Dancer
- Dancer Home System
- Dani Geary
- Danielle Martel
- Dansik
- Daring
- Darus (Star System)
- Darus (Taon)
- Dauntless
- Deake Geary
- Defender
- Defender Fleet
- Defender Fleet Flagship
- Defiant
- Deke Cameron
- Deke Geary
- Delgado
- Derek Moon
- Destina Aragon
- Destroyer
- Devish
- Devon Dupree
- Diamond
- Diana Magoro
- Dilawa
- Dingane Paige
- Dominic Desjani
- Donal Morgan
- Donal Rogero
- Dragon
- Drake Porter
- Dreadnaught
- Driving Out the Shield of Sol
- Duck
- Dunai
- Durnan
- Earth
- Earth Fleet
- Earun Tavistorevas
- Easir
- Edelman
- Effroen
- Eighth Battleship Division
- Eire
- Eire Fleet
- Elysia Jamenson
- Encroach
- Enigma race
- Enigma race warships
- Erabus Booth
- Erik Hopkins
- Escape pod
- Europa
- Europa Recovery Operation
- Exemplar
- Falco's Mutiny
- Falcon
- Faresa
- Farouk
- Fast attack craft
- Fearless
- Fearless (ship)
- Fifth Battle Cruiser Division
- Fifth Battleship Division
- Fighting the Destroyer
- First Assault on the Scathan Colony
- First Auxiliary Division
- First Battle Cruiser Division
- First Battle of Glenlyon
- First Battle of Indras
- First Battle of Kane
- First Battle of Lakota
- First Battle of Lalotai
- First Battle of Prime
- First Battleship Division
- First Fleet Marine Force
- First Scout Battleship Division
- First battle of Lalotai
- Fleche
- Fleche (Fleche)
- Fleche (Short Story)
- Fleet Courier Ship 793G
- Flora Malin
- Florentine
- Fon
- Ford Okubo
- Formidable
- Forth Battle of Midway
- Fortuna
- Fourth Battle Cruiser Division
- Fourth Battle of Midway
- Fourth Battleship Division
- Francesco Falco
- Franklin
- Fredericka Nalis
- Frederico Naxos
- Free Taroans
- Freighter
- Freya Mercia
- Freya Morgan
- Furious
- Gae Bulg
- Gaes
- Galland
- Gallant
- Gary Main
- Gary Yoshida
- Gavelock
- Gawzi
- Geary complex
- Gehenna
- George Washington
- Geradin
- Gioninni
- Glacis
- Glenlyon
- Glenlyon Fleet
- Glenlyon Marines
- Glenn Steinhilber
- Glorious
- Gnat
- Grace Lopez
- Granaile Imallye
- Grand Council
- Grandon
- Grant Duncan
- Grapeshot
- Grendel
- Grendel: A Lost Fleet Campaign
- Greta Milam
- Griff Buckland
- Gryphon
- Guardian
- Guardian (Battleship)
- Guerrero
- Gundel
- Gusoku (Implacable)
- Gwen Iceni
- HL-3034
- HTTU 322
- Haboob
- Hades
- Haldane
- Hana Sasorith
- Hansa Group
- Hardrad
- Haris
- Harrier
- Hashan Okoro
- Hatherian
- Hayden Quinn
- Heavy Troop Transport Units
- Heavy cruiser
- Hector Kai
- Hell-lance
- Heradao
- Hesta
- Hina
- Hiyen
- Honor (Star system)
- Honore Bradamont
- Hopper
- Horvath
- HuK-6336
- HuK-9356G
- Hua
- Hua Boucher
- Hunter-Killer
- Hypernet