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Hua Boucher, also known by her nickname "Happy Hua", was a CEO in the Syndicate Worlds Internal Security Service and the CEO in command of the battleship BB-57E.


Before the Lost Stars[]

Mehmet Togo meet Hua when he was young, when he and several of his unit people were interrogated about some food reserves disappearance. All except for Togo mistook Hua's attitude with goodness, and all were arrested.

Commanding a Flotilla[]

After the Midway Revolution began, a powerful Syndic Flotilla was sent to reconquer Midway. The official leader was the CEO Jason Boyens, but in fact, Hua was watching him, with orders to kill and replace him if he failed... or succeeded to prevent him to become a threat to Syndicate other leaders. When the flotilla was forced to flee after the Second Battle of Midway, and returned to Prime, she accused Boyens of the defeat, but he escaped and defecting to Midway before he could be arrested.

Jason warned Midway's leaders, Gwen Iceni and Artur Drakon, than his old flotilla will return to attack Midway. He was right, but with Hua at its command, and all the ships half full of Internal Security Service agents. Midway Flotilla, despite being inferior in number, proved to be a match for Hua's limited space battle experience, destroying almost all her mobile units, without suffering almost any losses. After being forced to accept defeat, Hua led his flotilla's remnants to the nearby system of Kane, which had rebelled against the Syndicate. There she "made an example" of the planet, launching kinetic bombardment against every city on the planet, devastating them and killing most of their population.

Defeat at Ulindi[]

Hua and her fleet reappeared soon after, in the Ulindi system. The Syndicate had laid a trap there for Midway's forces, and they fell into it. However, the few Ships Midway deployed proved too elusive, and all avoided being destroyed. Soon after the Midway arrived in the system. Jason Boyens had warned Iceni about the trap. Hua, however, believed the battleship's weapons weren't finished, and decided to attack the ship and destroy it. However, she was wrong, and her battleship was crippled, drifting in space, and almost all her other mobile units were destroyed too. Right then, most of Hua's crew mutinied. Unable to defeat the superior in number Snakes, they triggered the ship's self-destruct system, created by the Syndicate to prevent their ships to fall into enemy hands, and fled. Informed of this, the Midway Flotilla's commander Kommodor Marphissa contacted Hua directly, telling her she had lost, right before her mobile unit blew, taking Hua an all the Snakes aboard with them.


Because of her actions the leaders of Midway renamed the former syndicate star system in Enigma space, Hua, to Lalotai on star charts, the Alliance out of respect also updated their star charts to reflect this change.

Hua's actions only increased the hatred for the Syndicate. Even Kane, somehow, benefitted from that: the bombardment put an end to the civil war and when the Syndicate returned to attack it starting the Second Battle of Kane, Kane's defenders fought viciously, giving no quarter to the Syndic forces.


CEO Boucher was described as having a Broad Cheerful face which would often lead people into having a false sense of security around her which is what led to her being given the nickname "Happy Hua". She was also described as being very confident in herself. Jason Boyens also said than she enjoyed torturing people, and than, if the Syndicate catch him alive, they will pass him to Hua to make sure he has a slow and painful death.

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