President Gwen Iceni is co-ruler and president of the Midway system, being in command of the Midway Flotilla and having much control over the civilian population. Formerly a Syndicate Worlds CEO, Iceni lost faith in the Syndicate system following the end of the Alliance-Syndicate War and the First Battle of Midway and, after allying with CEO Artur Drakon, successfully launched a coup to remove the Syndicate presence within the Midway star system.
Mobile Forces Career[]
Gwen Iceni starts the series as a Syndicate CEO in control of the Midway system having been exiled for discovering and reporting a smuggling scheme being run and secretly supported by one of the CEO's at Prime. As an Executive she served on a Heavy Cruiser called C-333, which was destroyed and replaced by another C-333 two months later. She had a total of seven years in the Mobile Forces before spending five years assigned to Midway.
Exile to Midway[]
Planning a Revolt[]
Following the conclusion of the Syndicate-Alliance war and the Enigma invasion of Midway, it became known to Iceni that Midway's limited Syndicate mobile forces would soon be withdrawn to fight revolts elsewhere, leaving Midway even more vulnerable to the Enigmas. In order to prevent this, Iceni forged a partnership with Drakon to stage a revolt to take over Midway, and secede from the Syndicate Worlds. Both were absolutely vital to the revolt's success, as Drakon commanded the ground forces necessary to fight Midway's ISS forces on the system's habitable planet, whilst Iceni through Sub-CEO Akiri and later newly promoted Sub-CEO Marphissa controlled a sizable portion of Midway's mobile forces, that could prevent any bombardment of the habitable planet.
Becoming the First President[]
Artur Drakon[]
Having both been assigned to the Midway star system, Iceni and Drakon forged a partnership to rebel against the Syndicate Worlds following the end of the war with the Alliance. This rebellion having been successful, the two continue to act as co-rulers of Midway. Their relationship has strengthened over time to the point of romance, and eventually marriage.