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The Lost Fleet Wiki

Effroen was a Chief Executive Officer of the Syndicate Worlds Mobile Defense Force killed in the Second Battle of Lakota.


There aren't much data about Effroen, but she was mentioned by the CEO Niko Cafiro. He said than, after the Alliance Fleet was forced to retreat from Lakota system, after being defeated in the First Battle of Lakota, Effroen was the CEO left behind to defend the system. Her orders were to prevent the Alliance Fleet to take the Hypernet gate at any cost. When, surprisingly, the Alliance ships returned, Effroen probably led two Battle cruisers to the gate. She, as Niko said, probvably had been informed of the great risk of destroying the portal, but, following her orders to the letter, and probably terrified for the apparently invincible John Geary, ordered her two ships to destroy the portal, despite the fact they were hours away.

Death and Legacy[]

The portal's destruction liberated a catasthrophic energy wave, which destroyed both Battle Cruisers, probably killing everybody on board, including Effroen, and also devastating the system and destroying any Syndic scape pod, stations, colonies, and the exposed half of Lakota's planet. Ironically, Effrroen's suicide act didn't affected the Alliance fleet: they were far enough to suffer only minimal damage.

Notes and references[]
